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Sailing Instructions

1 Rules

All races will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021 - 2024, the prescriptions of the Royal Yachting Association, the rules of the respective class associations of the participating dinghies, except as any of these are changed by these sailing instructions, and by these sailing instructions.

2 Changes in Sailing Instructions

Any change in the sailing instructions will be posted in the Race Office not later than 30 minutes before the start of any race affected by the change.

3 Eligibility

All dinghies shall be helmed and (where applicable) crewed by Full, Family, Student or Junior members of Filey Sailing Club except that an Associate member may participate in no more than 6 races in any one year.

A Day member may crew a dinghy in all races on any one day of the year only.

4 Classes of Dinghy

4.1Fleet status will be awarded to any class of boat where five or more are berthed at the club.

4.2For the avoidance of doubt, the Laser class shall include standard, radial and 4.7 rigs but helmsmen who change rigs throughout any series will be awarded points for each rig used as though it were a different class of boat and Rule 17.5 shall apply to fleet results as well as to general handicap results.

5 Personal Buoyancy

Life jackets or other adequate personal buoyancy shall be worn while racing by all competitors and if of the inflatable type must be worn inflated. A wet suit is not adequate personal buoyancy.

6 Signing on

Every helmsman intending to race shall, no later than the preparatory signal for that race, enter by completing the form provided in the Club.

7 Time of Starts

The morning race will start not earlier than 1100 hours. The first afternoon race will start not earlier than 1330 hours. The starting times will be displayed on the board near the Race Office in the Clubroom not less than 30 minutes before the start of each race. When a second afternoon race is held the starting time will be approximately 15 minutes after the finishing time of the last dinghy in the previous race.

8 The Course

The Course, including the order in which marks are to be rounded will be displayed on the board in the Clubroom not less than 30 minutes before the start of each race. The side on which each mark shall be left will be signalled from the Committee boat by a red flag denoting that all marks shall be left to port or a green flag denoting that all marks shall be left to starboard.

9 The Start

9.1Races will be started by using the following signals. Times shall be taken from the visual signals; the absence of a sound signal shall be disregarded.


Flag and sound starting signal

Minutes before start


Class Flag; 1 sound



Flag P; 1 sound


One Minute

Flag P removed; 1 sound



Class flag removed; 1 sound


All fleets will start simultaneously and share the same starting signals except when the Officer Of The Day deems there are sufficient entrants for a separate start for a Fleet.

9.2In the event of an error in the timing of the signals code flag "N" will be broken out and three sound signals will be made. A new warning signal will be made one minute after this signal is lowered. One sound signal will be made with the lowering of Code flag "N".

9.3The starting line will be between the mast of the committee boat at one end and the leeward mark of the course at the other.

9.4A dinghy shall not start later than three minutes after her starting signal.

10 Recalls

10.1 Individual recall

When, at her starting signal, any part of a dinghy's hull or equipment is on the course side of the starting line the dinghy shall sail to the pre-start side of the starting line around either end before starting. The Race Officer will signal an individual recall by making one sound signal and may hail the dinghy's sail number. Racing Rule 29.2 is varied.

10.2 General recall

When at the starting signal several unidentified boats are on the course side of the starting line or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall (flag First Substitute, 2 sound signals). The preparatory signal for a new start for the recalled class shall be made one minute after the First Substitute is lowered.

11 Shortening or Abandoning After the Start

11.1 After the starting signal, the race committee may abandon the race (flag "N", 3 sound signals) or shorten the course (flag "S", 2 sound signals when the leading boat is on what will be the last leg of the shortened course), as appropriate,

  • a)because of an error in the starting procedure,
  • b)because of foul weather,
  • c)because of insufficient wind making it unlikely that any boat will finish within the time limit,
  • d)because a mark is missing or out of position, or
  • e)for any other reason directly affecting the safety or fairness of the competition.

11.2 If flag "S" is flown along with a class flag the course is shortened for that class only.

11.3 Racing Rule 32 is varied.

12 Change of Course after the Start

At any rounding mark the race committee may signal a change of the direction of the next leg of the course by hailing each dinghy as near as possible to the beginning of the leg of the course affected by the change. Racing Rule 33 is varied.

13 Time Limit

The time limit will be two hours. Racing Rule 35 will not apply. Dinghies finishing after the time limit will be scored "did not finish". When no dinghy finishes within the time limit the race shall be abandoned Competitors should return to shore where the Race Committee will decide whether the race will be re-sailed the same day or at a later date (if possible).

14 The Finish

The finishing line will be between the mast of the committee boat and the nearest mark of the course, which will usually be the windward mark.

15 Declarations

15.1The helmsman of every dinghy shall sign the Declaration sheet in the Race Office within 30 minutes after the time of the last dinghy's finish, except when two races are held back to back in which case the Declaration may be signed for both races 30 minutes after the time of the last dinghy's finish in the second race.

15.2 The helmsman of a retiring dinghy shall indicate such on the Declaration sheet.

15.3If a helmsman fails to sign the Declaration sheet within the time stipulated or within such extended time as the Sailing Committee may allow, he shall score points as though his dinghy had not ranked as a starter.

16 Protests and Requests for Redress

Protests and Requests for Redress shall be written on forms available at the Race Office and lodged there within the time prescribed for the signing of the Declaration sheet as required by Rule 15.1 above unless the protest committee has reason to extend this time limit.

17 Scoring

17.1The number of races scheduled in each series is published in the Sailing Program each year. The number required to constitute a series shall be as stated in Rule 17.2. Each boat's series score will be the total of her race scores, discarding her worst score(s) except when prohibited in Racing Rule Appendix A1.3. The lowest series score wins.

17.2 The number of races to count in each Series shall be published on the club notice board in the training room at the start of each season.

17.3Points will be awarded in accordance with Racing Rule Appendix A2 2 Low-Point System, i.e. 1 point for 1st place, 2 points for 2nd etc. The second paragraph of Racing Rule Appendix A5 shall be substituted for the second paragraph of A2.2.

In amendment to A4.2, a boat that starts a race but does not finish or retires (DNF / RET) shall be scored points for the finishing place one more than the number of boats entered in that particular race; but a boat that does not start (DNC) shall be scored points for the finishing place one more than the number of boats entered in the series.

17.4Ties will be broken in accordance with Racing Rule Appendix A2.3.

17.5Points will be awarded to the helmsman and not to the boat, except that a helmsman sailing in more than one class of boat during any series shall not be entitled to accumulate points scored in different classes. In this event a separate tally will be maintained for points scored (including the award of points as a non-starter) in each different class as though each were sailed by a different helmsman.

18 Prizes

18.1 The awarding of prizes and the number of prizes will be at the discretion of the Sailing & Events Committee.

18.2When a winning helmsman has had different crew during a series he shall nominate which of the crew shall receive the crew's prize.


Last updated 16:09 on 26 March 2024

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